Wilson Brothers Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc

Keeping our giving dollars in the local community

There’s nothing wrong with giving money to a large national charity, after all we did it for many years. What made us switch to helping mostly  local charities,  was the concern that not enough of their dollars were being used for the cause.

That’s why we focus on helping local grassroots organizations and causes. We still donate to some large charities like the Special Olympics and the veteran charity Toys for Tots, but we take the majority of our charity money and keep it local.

It is the local community that supports our business, so it is the responsibility of local business to support the community. What better way to do that than by supporting the food pantries? We contribute to both the Devens Loaves and Fishes and the Pepperell Aid from Community to Home food pantries, as well as local youth sports teams.

It takes hard work from kind, dedicated volunteers and staff members to keep these local food pantries running, and that’s something our founders Tom, Paul and John Wilson, all grew up respecting.

“We never really had a lot,” said Tom Wilson, one of six children in the Wilson family. His family didn’t receive help from the community, but  was always getting involved in volunteer work, through their church and other local programs. He said at this point, their values are so ingrained that they can’t imagine not making charitable contributions.


What Tomorrow Will Bring

Wilson Brothers knows that providing the basic needs to people who are in bad situations is the spirit of community involvement. We also know that we are investing in our local community and helping it prosper and grow and we’re honored to be recognized for the work we do.

This coming year, 2017 will be our 30th year in business, and as long as we are in business, Wilson Brothers HVAC, Inc. will always support our local food pantries and other important local programs, including those that help the children of the community. They are the key to the future and we want that future to be as warm and comfortable as possible.

Tyngsboro, MA

Shirley, MA

Littleton, MA

Ashby, MA

Westford, MA

Ayer, MA

Lunenburg, MA

Harvard, MA

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