Wilson Brothers Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc

Happy New Year from the Wilson Brothers!

Tom says – As we head into a new year it is time to look at what is coming up in 2017.

Winter is the most challenging of our four distinct seasons, from the lack of sun light to increased home energy cost. And, don’t forget the Holiday Season, snow and ice season and we can never forget Uncle Sam and the upcoming tax season. This is the time of year everyone’s budget is stretched. But it is also the best time to look at doing some upgrades to your home energy and your home comfort equipment.

The new 2017 Mass Save Rebates and financing programs are available now!

Also, this is the time of year when things slowdown in our install department. We want to keep our men in the Install Department working and not on unemployment. We offer a 5% discount, up to $500 on our installs from the end of February to the end of April.

Couple this with the new Rebates from Mass Save and the Mass Save 0% Financing Program, this is a great time to upgrade your inefficient home comfort system!

Shirley, MA

Ashby, MA

Harvard, MA

Lunenburg, MA

Westford, MA

Ayer, MA

Tyngsboro, MA

Littleton, MA

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