Wilson Brothers Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc

Charity Garage Sale Raises $1,000 for PACH

The weather was dreary and rainy, but that didn’t damper the shoppers at the First Annual Wilson Brothers Charity Garage Sale which raised $1,000 in cash and an additional $100 in food donations.

Held inside the huge Wilson Brothers garage, the sale featured toys, games and books; household items; electronics; sports equipment; furniture … and more! Wilson Brothers’ customers, neighbors, and residents of the surrounding communities came in to donate canned goods and non-perishables for the PACH (Pepperell Aid from Community to Home) Food Pantry collection bin and to browse for a bargain. They were not disappointed!

“We are proud to be able to hold this event,” said Tom Wilson. “This is a win-win situation – we were able to clean out our own garages, attics, and play rooms … those who came to shop got some remarkable bargains … PACH received money to help fund their operations and is able to, in turn, help people in our community who are in need. It is a cycle that we are pleased to participate in,” he added.

A check was presented last week to Ellen Castellano, president of PACH, who remarked, “It is just wonderful to have people in Pepperell who support PACH in such an amazing way. Wilson Brothers Heating and Air Conditioning has been tremendous in their on-going assistance with their Food Collection for PACH and now this Charity Garage Sale. We are very grateful to them for all their help.”

PACH is located in Pepperell at the Peter Fitzpatrick School at 45 Main Street. Their new office and Food Pantry hours are: Tuesday 5 – 7 pm; Thursdays 2 – 4 pm and first and third Thursdays 5 – 7 pm.

Wilson Brothers continues to support PACH with its food collection bin in the lobby at 35 Lomar Park Drive, Pepperell. Canned goods and non-perishables are always appreciated.

A check for $1,000 was presented to Ellen Castellano, President of PACH (Pepperell Assistance from Community to Home), by Tom Wilson, President of Wilson Brothers Heating and Air Conditioning in Pepperell. The money represented the proceeds of the Charity Garage Sale held recently at Wilson Brothers. Pictured left to right: Vicki Coleman, Lisa Richard, Tom Wilson, Ellen Casetellano, Paul Wilson, and Shirley Hult.

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